HAL HADDON INTERVIEWS ED BRADLEY HAL HADDON: I’m in Woody Creek with Ed Bradley. Ed has graciously consented to give an inTerview for the second edition of The Woody Creeker, edited by, written for, and hopefully read by Woody Creatures and a larger audience. Ed, we thank you for giving us this interview and I’d […]
Issue: May 2006
Published May 2006
Fishing in Woody Creek...Lawyers Guns and Money...Hal Haddon Interviews Ed Bradley...Why A Bill Of Rights Defense Resolution? Andy Hall in the Kitchen...Dr. Hunter S. Thompson on Speedism...
Published At Owl Farm
(when you least expect it)
BY GAYLORD GUENIN Much concern arose in Lenado as the vernal equinox approached in March. It was discovered that the Sacred Lenado Potato had gone missing. Normally one would not use the phrase “gone missing” to describe an inanimate object, but we don’t view the Lenado Potato as inanimate. If it were just another potato. […]
WITH ANDY HALL This issue’s “Conversations in the Kitchen” department of the Woody Creeker is pleased to introduce you to Andy Hall. He is a staple in the Woody Creek Community for more than 25 years. He’s kept to himself a good part of the time, as Andy doesn’t like big crowds of people. In […]
ON YOUR KNEES BY MICHAEL M. OWSLEY It was the second missed strike by my fishing partner, and it would clearly be my Turn to get the rod. I wasn’t taking advantage of DeWitt for being only ten years old, but rules are rules. On the Woody Creek we have small water, smaller fish (and […]
BY ANITA THOMPSON With great pleasure, I present to you the second issue of The Woody Creeker. You are probably as thrilled as I am to see the cover art by none other than our friend and ally Ralph Steadman. I’m honored to offer all sorts of unusual and stimulating art to you on the […]